Sunday, December 14, 2008
More Blog Entries On
Please poke around here, then hop on over to
alicia in Hawaii
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Wool for Embroidery
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Stuck In Limbo
We've been snorkeling...trying to fit all our little crafty projects into the limited space we have here doubled up living with family, and getting our wood craft items out and ready to work with. Take a peek at our WoodWorks blog to see any new items so far.
I'll be pulling out the knitting and spinning soon. We thought we'd do some painting, then woodwork, then maybe some amigurumi, then back to knitting (I did make some 'flip flop' socks and kilt hose), then back here to spinning and wool processing. I've sure missed ALL that open space in my EMPTY house!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
The Road of Wool
Play, Play, Playing in the Wool N Fluff
Fun in the Wool N Fluff!

All that clean wool! I LOVE this part!
Actually, I have found that I really like to wash wool. I'm weird, I know. I like the smell of wet wool. I'm a bagpiper too, so, the kilt must have something to do with it! ;)

This one, by the way, is a 3/4 merino, Melody.

Gently...pull and fluff...
I am in my own world while I do this part.
Nothing can disturb me when I am this involved with the clean wool.
Release The Wool!
My Drying Stage...The Living Room
This absence of furniture, gives me a GREAT drying stage. You won't believe your eyes!

This is one wall of the living room.
The other walls look the same!
Yes, that is black tree mesh stretched over rubbermaid tubs. (Those tubs hold all our stuff for evacuation by the way.)
Yes, those are our Pepsi cans holding the mesh still.
Hey, did I mention that we are artists and woodworkers and create handy dandy stuff from whatever we can find ;)

Just another view. See the wool waiting to be let loose on the drying 'rack'?
Before Running Away...

I set the washer to a full LONG wash...

Add some Dawn, (for the sheep oils)

and let the whole washer run a complete cycle, empty. When that wash cycle is done, my washer is good to go for regular laundry.
Keep in mind that both my hubby and I really don't care as much about our everyday clothes as we do about art and creating things. We are 'jeans and t-shirt' people, so a little sheep left over for us is no big deal. However, I haven't had any troubles yet with the regular laundry even resembly 'sheep'. It's all good!
The Wool is "Done"

Lift it out, no water dripping...the locks look far.

Another is out, no felting.

As they come out of the washer, I put them in the dishpan.

All looks good! No water, no felting!

And everything is a sparkling white!
Cross Your Fingers, Hope for the Best

I find the very start of the spin cycle...set the machine...

Close the lid, it starts to whirl...and I hold my breath!

And, look how 'little' the cycle has moved along...I do NOT let it spin for too long. All that has to happen at this stage is a little 'press' to get the excess water out of the wool and down the drain goes the water.
Cross you fingers! Hope it works...
Many Rinses Later...Layers to Spin

Empty the washer...

I start with a single layer of wool bags. I try to spread the wool fluffs out while in the bag, so that the wool and the bags make a 'ring' around the center of the washer drum.

The bag and fluff just rest at the bottom of the washer.

One full layer, or round, looks like this.

Sometimes there is enough wool to go around a second layer, so I just place those in a second 'ring' around the drum. does it spin?
Friday, July 21, 2006
See the Progress
The First Rinse

Run the hot waterfall...
Lift the cleaner wool out of the dish pan...see the clean-ER water in the tub?
As I lift the wool bags to place them into the rinse, I let the locks pull apart a bit, just so that the rinse water gets into all the bundled wool. Sometimes, it will compress just a little, so if I open it up a bit, the water can get to all the 'centers'.
Notice the clearer water after the lift of this past wash. When it clears this way, I usually go to the rinse cycle.
Get that Dirty Wool Soup OUT!

Once the washer is empty of the dirty wool soup...
I start all over again. Fill with hot water, add soap, gently add the wool bags, leave the washer lid up so that the wool will soak again in the soapy water.
While I wait for the second, or sometimes third or fourth washing soak, I rinse out the plastic dish pans.