Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Road of Wool

My Road of Wool
Keep your sofas, recliners and tvs...
nothing makes for better decor,
then clean, soft, whispy wool.

This fleece decorates two sides of the room.

The brown is from the same fleece, Melody has a 'spot'.



KNITWHIT said...

What's next??? What's next???

Looking forward to seeing and reading all about it!

KNITWHIT said...

I check weekly for the next installment on the road from animal to ready-to-knit yarn. What happens after it dries??

Patiently (sort of) waiting...


J. C. KnitNStuff said...

I LOVE your road of wool. I'm sorry to hear about all the chaos going on in Hawaii.

I can't wait to see where the Road of Wool leads.